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Päiväys ja aika
11:00 am - 1:45 pm


The Goal of the Webinar

– The first part of the webinar aims to spread knowledge of the importance and efficiency of wetlands from a scientific point of view.

– The second part highlights the practical experiences from ongoing projects.

– A road map on how to build and maintain wetlands will be presented. This road map intends to simplify the multiplication of wetlands around the Baltic Sea.

– The goal of the webinar is to inspire and engage the Rotary clubs to take feasible local wetland initiatives.




The Baltic Sea in 15 minutes – what is its status and what can be done for future generations?

Jens Olsson, Researcher at the Department of Aquatic Resources, Swedish University for Agriculture Sciences

Reducing the nutrient load to the Baltic Sea through sustainable, cost-effective solutions

Sirpa Kurppa: D. Sc. Research Professor (emerita), Doctor of Agriculture and Forestry, Agricultural Zoology, Finland

The use of wetlands for eutrophication and environment restoration and protection in various circumstances

Renata Augustyniak-Tunowska, D.Sc. Associate Professor on University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland, Faculty of Geoengineering, Department of Water Protection Engineering and Environmental Microbiology

Showcase projects


Wetlands – From cleaner water and more fish to Innovation, Research and Social Benefit. (Sweden)

Robert Cederlund, Chair, The Foundation Initiative Utö


(Re)creating wetlands to safeguard biodiversity and improve water quality

Jenny Jyrkänkallio-Mikkola, Marine biologist, PhD, Leading freshwater officer at WWF Finland

For more information about the Webinar: Gun-Marie Östedt-Axelsson, 070-284 28 16, gog.axelsson@telia.com

What is BASRAN

– BASRAN is a cross border co-operation between Rotarians in the 9 countries around the Baltic Sea.

– The Baltic Sea is in a critical state and urgent measures need to be taken to restore the sea for future generations.

– The close to 2.000 local Rotary clubs around the Baltic Sea with around 70.000 members can together with partners contribute to improvements.

– BASRAN stands for Baltic Sea Regional Action Network.

