The Goodfather® ‘TGf’ is a project launched by Sepänhaan Rotary Club in the spring of 2015 to reduce youth unemployment in the Forssa region. In line with their operating principles, Rotarians represent a wide range of professions. They do use their networks of relationships in the project to find potential work placements and job opportunities for young people. They are ready to open doors to businesses and communities, keep in touch with the entrepreneurs and invest in activating a young person’s employment efforts. They also act as support persons – “godparents” – for the young persons going to work trial or employment, between them and the management of the workplace, thus supporting the young.
The Goodfather® project has been a success. By the end of 2019, doors had been opened for 83 companies, 61 of which had joined the project, more than 130 young people had been interviewed, coached and mentored, and at least 103 of them had been employed or on probation. Between 1 May 2015 and 31 December 2019, youth unemployment in the Forssa region fell by almost 10 percentage points, and the TGf project has played a significant role in this good development.
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