Hyvät rotarit!

Verkkorotaryn viikkokokouksessa tiistaina 19.1.2021 klo 21.00-22.00 vierailee RI:n presidentti Holger Knaack. Kokous järjestetään verkossa. Tilaisuus on avoin kaikille rotareille, mutta vaatii ennakkoilmoittautumisen. Ilmoittaudu su 17.1.2021 mennessä https://forms.gle/orwaDgF4GEmxXypM9. Ohjeet kokoukseen osallistumisesta ja kokoushuoneen linkki lähetetään ilmoittautuneille sähköpostilla ennen kokousta.

Holger Knaack, Rotary International President 2020-2021

Dear rotarians!

Unexpected possibility to meet our President in Zoom-meeting 19.01.2021

Mr. Holger Knaack, President of Rotary International 2020-2021, will visit the E-Club of Verkkorotary.fi on January 19, 2021 at 21-22 and will invite Rotarians in all our districts including their friends to listen to current Rotary news.

We have a rare opportunity to hear the President’s message directly. His speech is about Rotary’s core values ​​and programs. He also provides information on Rotarians’ COVID-19 measures as well as the DEI program. DEI comes from the words Diversity, Equity, Inclusion. The President will speak in English. We also have the option to send questions to the President in English or German. Questions will be submitted at the same time as registering for the event.

Registration by 17.01. Register through the following link, and you have a possibility to hear something of Rotary’s core issues.

Welcome to hear our special guest’s message and get answers about Rotary’s present and future prospects.

Wegge Tommy (Mr)
Mobile:  +358 44 7666000
E-mail:  tommy@wegge.fi

Chairman of the Board, Finlands Rotary Service
IPDG, District 1420
Hallonnässtranden 4 B 14


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