Six Rotary Clubs in Lahti area have implemented The School Tree project to support disadvantaged young persons in their studies in high school or vocational school.

The Rotary Clubs involved are RC Hollola-Salpakangas, RC Kanta-Hollola, RC Lahti, RC Lahti-Laune, RC Lahti-Wellamo and RC Lahti-Wesijärvi.

The School Tree project gives financial support to get studying means: books, laptop, workwear etc. Project launched in autumn 2019 and is expected to continue at least to the end of schoolyear 2021-2022.

The School Tree is secondary way of support. Those young persons in need are primarily supported by the means of social security. When those means are not adequate the support is given by The School Tree.

Our partner is Päijät-Hämeen hyvinvointikuntayhtymä ( joint organization of municipalities for welfare in the area of Päijät-Häme) which selects those who need support.