Global Grants
Global Grants
Global Grants fund massive international humanitarian projects, vocational training teams and study scholarships, all of which must have sustainable, measurable outcomes in one or more of Rotary’s areas of focus. These club scholarships are funded by the Rotary Foundation and the districts’ DDF-funds.
Global Grants are unique in the world. It is doubtful that any other organization could provide help to people in distress with the same accuracy as the Rotary Foundation with its Global Grants. Rotary members anywhere in the world can pinpoint a community in need of help. They can apply for a grant from the Rotary Foundation, and districts and clubs all over the world can fund the project. Global Grant projects are monitored by the Rotary Foundation for their entire duration. As the project advances according to plan, the funds will be directed to their target by the local Rotary district.
Our district has participated in projects to fund, among other things, dialysis machines for hospitals and establishing a breast milk bank in developing countries.