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Päiväys ja aika
17:00 - 18:00

Tampereen yliopisto

Tammer Novan kokoukset on peruttu vähintään koko maaliskuun ajan koronaviruksen takia. Emme ole vielä päättäneet ajankohtaa jolloin aloitamme kokoukset uudelleen.

(Ti 24.3. on IC-kokous yliopistolla aiheesta Nature step to health ja puhujana Tari Haahtela.

Professor emeritus Tari Haahtela will host an exciting presentation on our macro and microenvironment and how it is closely linked to our health.

He will describe how our modern lifestyle is alienating us from the nature we belong to, causing modern sicknesses like allergies and autoimmune diseases. Professor Haahtela will further reveal to us possibilities to restore our natural immunity, by simply getting back in contact with the soil we came from.

Tari Haahtela is a Finnish professor emeritus in the field of Pulmonology and clinical Immunology and has been the chief of staff in the Hospital for skin and allergic diseases in Helsinki for 23 years Haahtela has conducted the Karjala Allergy Project on which basis has been shaped the biodiversity hypothesis He was a central player in the national programs for asthma and allergy He is specifically interested in those mechanisms of disease development which are due to environmental changes and in turn have been provoked by a shift to a modern, human lifestyle in Western countries.

Public Lecture
24th of March 2020
University of Tampere
Lecture Hall A1
5-6 pm
Free Admission

Tapahtuma Facebookissa: https://www.facebook.com/events/822312928282410/)

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