New Generation Service Exchange NGSE
New Generation Service Exchange NGSE
New Generation Service Exchange is a short-term tailored program for university students and young professionals who are under 30 years of age. The exchange can be individual or group exchange. The exchange is realized between clubs.
NGSE exchange combines the vocational targets of the participant with a humanitarian project. The exchange may include networking, building relationships, leadership training, language training and learning about the local culture. The length of the exchange can vary from a few weeks to 6 months.
The costs of NGSE exchange vary. Funding can come from a Rotary Club or Rotary district or in a more conventional way so that the participant pays for the trip and for the insurance and the club behind the exchange arranges the accommodation and the project target for the participant.
Although every club has their own qualifications for the participants, all of the participants must show strong commitment to service and Rotary ideals.
NGSE is a new form of service. Please contact a local Rotary Club and ask if there are possibilities for an exchange available.