Our service project “Ajetaan iäkkään iloksi” continues this spring with new exciting dates to mark in your calendar.  Rest home Ilveskoti residents (war veterans) are driven to day excursions by Rotarians from all Hämeenlinna Rotary Clubs. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to meet some of the people to whom we owe the freedom of our great country.  If you wish to have more information contact project leader at our club Verkatehdas- Hämeenlinna Jouko Lehtonen, jouko.s.lehtonen@gmail.com

Next visits are:

7.4.2020 to Hyrsylän Mutka Lohja Saukkola

4.5.2020 Koulumuseo (School Museum) in Tervakoski

17.6.2020 Juhannussauna at Kipinäniemi Hämeenlinna



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