
Enjoyment for you, young person between 12 and 18 years of age

The members of Interact Clubs plan and organize two projects every year. One is about schools and community closest to you and the other is about promoting mutual international understanding in a way that appeals to young people. Young people have a chance to affect things important to them.

Interact Clubs co-operate with the sponsoring Rotary Club. Young people develop their social and leadership skills in club and service activities. Rotarians help young people to make contacts with local community leaders and experts in different fields to help them to organize their service projects. Young people learn to network locally and also internationally if they wish. Rotarians help young people to recognize other forms of service aimed at them, which are Rotaract and RYLA.

Young people are able to see, much better than adults, problems and things that need to be developed in their communities. Together young people can discuss how these problems could be tackled and in co-operation with Rotarians and with their support, young people can act as development agents.

Interact was started in the USA in 1962. The first Interact Club in Scandinavia and in Finland was chartered in Somero in 1963. At the moment there is only one active Interact Club in Finland, Oulu Interact Club chartered in 2013. There are 20 000 clubs worldwide in 160 countries with close to 670 000 members. Interact is an excellent way to network already at an early age with other active youngsters in different countries.