What is Rotary?A better world can come up from a cleaner Baltic Sea, for instance. What could you do for your own community, for instance?Read moreWhat is Rotary?Rotary works hard to make the world a better place to live. We develop international relationships and build peace, improve the lives of people in many ways and prevent diseases.Read moreWhat is Rotary?Rotary sends out to the world and receives from abroad a lot of youngsters every year. Are you interested in a year or a summer abroad?Read moreNews and FeaturesIn FinnishPositive peace 30.6. 2022Ukraine 7.3. 2022Rotary business – Rotary Office business hours during year end 8.12. 2021Kauko Salo steps in as the new Chair of FRS 2.7. 2021 Show allUpcoming EventsIn Finnish26.4.2025 - 27.4.2025RLI Koulutus RovaniemiMLL:n tilat24.5.2025Rotary 120 juhlaseminaari ja iltajuhla Show all Join Us!If you want to make a difference, come and join us! Read more!Finland’s Rotary in Social Media Find your nearest Club with Club FinderFive districts, 280 Clubs. Club Finder will find Your nearest Club and Contact Information. Club Finder