Dear Inbound Exchange Students


I hope that you are well despite the corona epidemic.

In many countries the epidemic still expand, but in some countries it has already been brought under control, so that some restrictions can partially be released.

Finland´s Government has announced to our country a state of emergency which continue until middle of May. Based on that we have lot of restrictions and borders are closed. Foreigners have still the right to travel to their home countries.

Flights may increase in late May and June. This means that students might be able to travel home countries at the planned end of exchange period.

Our correspondents have discussed with all inbound students so we know their situation, feelings and wishes. Most of you will stay in Finland despite this special situation. Correspondents will keep on contacting with you all the time. But you can also be active to keep contact with your correspondent.

Until now 25 students have terminated their exchanges.

However, if you want to return to your home country earlier, please contact your correspondent. The decision to return is made by the correspondents together with you and your parents.

Please remember that the risk of infection during travel may be very big. In home country you must be 2 weeks in quarantine.

Please follow daily information of your host family, club counsellor and TV.
But also follow orders of your home country and district.

Your host club, your host family and whole Rotary organisation will make every effort to ensure that you have safety environments here in Finland.

Antti Salminen
PDG,  Chairman
Finnish-Estonian Multidistrict (1380-1430)
Tel +358 400 476600
E-mail: chair(at)


This spring has turned out to be something none of us could have imagined. Understandably some students have decided to go home. However, we are happy to have many of you who have decided to stay here.

This unexpected situation with the corona virus is difficult for all of us. However, when we face challenges, we can always make a choice. Even if we started to feel depressed or scared, we can try to focus on another path: being positive.

As being positive might prove somewhat challenging, here are some tips you can try:

  1. Study and practice the language

Being at home gives you a unique opportunity to improve your skills in Finnish (or Swedish). You can find plenty of free study material from the internet. Don’t sit only on your laptop, however. Go to talk with your family members and get your language skills into practice!

  1. Be proactive at school

Do you feel like teachers are not giving you enough tailored homework in this new and sudden situation? Be proactive and suggest things you could do. This is an excellent moment to make a video where you tell about your home country’s history or culture and send it to your classmates. You can also be proactive and learn about Finland’s history and culture and write essays or make videos to your teacher.

  1. Engage with your host family & help with cooking

Engage more with your host family. Be proactive and help in everyday tasks. Help your family especially in everyday cooking. Even if you haven’t cooked before, this is a great time to start learning. We all can become master chefs! You can also find some interesting dishes from your own culture and cook that together with your family. Why not also to surprise your family by cooking if it feels natural to you.

  1. Enjoy the nature and learn about history

Nature is an asset we all can enjoy. Go for a walk or run and enjoy your surroundings. Spring is a wonderful and unique season in Finland with nature starting to flourish and bloom. Many birds are returning, which is interesting to observe. Read also about your city and get to know its culture and history.

  1. Stay in touch with your friends virtually

There are many virtual platforms to keep in touch with your friends – in Finland and abroad. Be creative and take advantage of different tools. Engage also your Finnish host family. Why not to cook or play cardboard games simultaneously while having the video connection on? Or why not to make some uplifting video with other Rotary inbounds in Finland and share it in social media?

  1. Join a Rotary meeting online

If your Rotary club doesn’t provide a virtual platform, join the meeting of Verkkorotary. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 7th from 9.00 pm till 10.00 pm at

  1. Enjoy the present moment

Most importantly, focus on the present moment and think of three things each day you can be thankful for. Start to observe the beauty of small, everyday things. You can even try different meditation apps, such as the Calm app on your phone. There is plenty of free content during this time. For some, writing a journal is a helpful way to navigate through uncertain times. If writing is not your thing, you can record short audio clips.

This time is exceptional for all of us. While it might feel overwhelming from time to time, remember that this will pass. It is certain that you will gain valuable skills in how to cope with uncertain situations. These skills will help you for the rest of your life.

Finally, if you feel like talking to someone, you can always contact your local Rotarians or your Correspondent.

Best regards,
Heidi Lehmuskumpu
Rotary Youth Exchange
Finnish-Estonian Multidistrict


Finland´s Government has announced to our country a state of emergency. Based on that we have lot of restrictions and borders are closed. Foreigners have still the right to travel to their home countries. In many countries there are even more restrictions and rules.

Our correspondents have discussed with all inbound students so we know their situation, feelings and wishes. Most of you will stay in Finland despite this special situation. Correspondents will keep on contacting with you all the time.

Some districts in Japan, USA and Canada have given the order to students to come home immediately. Until now 19 students have terminated their exchanges.

If you still want to travel back to your home country, please contact your host club counsellor and correspondent. Agreement about early return must be decided between correspondents. Decision of the terminating must do as soon as possible, because flights will decrease in the end of March.

Please remember that the risk of infection during travel may be very big.

Please follow daily information of your host family, club counsellor and TV.
But also follow orders of your home country and district.

Your host club, your host family and whole Rotary organisation will make every effort to ensure that you have safety environments here in Finland.

Antti Salminen
PDG, Chairman
Finnish-Estonian Multidistrict (1380-1430)
Tampereentie 84, 66400 Laihia, Finland
Tel +358 400 476600
E-mail: chair(at)


Corona virus has spread all over the world. It has reached already over 100 countries. In China, South Korea and Italy there are most infections, but numbers rise up every day.

Until now 400 people have got infection in Finland. Our medical authorities follow up situation continuously and will inform daily through TV and magazines.
Finland´s Government has announced to country state of emergency. Based on that borders are closed.  Foreigners have still the right to travel to their home countries.

Please follow daily information of Your host family, club counsellor and TV. But also follow orders of Your home country and district.

To avoid risk to have infection our Multidistrict organisation has decided:

  • St Petersburg Tour is cancelled.
  • Euro Tour is cancelled.
  • All inbounds meetings are cancelled until further notice.
  • All inbounds travels are fully restricted and are under specific authorization of district chairs together with club YEOs or counsellor.
  • Any inbound grouping is not allowed
  • District Conferences have been cancelled

As it has been stated by RI and already acknowledged by our exchange partners that natural parents they have the right to request the exchange to be terminated earlier. Some districts in Japan, USA and Canada have given the order to students to come home immediately. Until now 15 students have terminated their exchanges. In the event of an early termination it is very important to take care of the personal safety and welfare of the student during travel back to home. The decision of the natural parents, but please talk also with Your host family and listen their opinion. Even terminating decision is very difficult, please look only facts. You have had good time in Finland and You are always welcome to visit in our country.

If You want to travel back to Your home country, please contact Your host club counsellor and correspondent. Agreement about early return must be decided between correspondents. Decision of terminating must to as soon as possible, because flights will decrease in the end of March.

Please remember that the risk of infection during travel may be very big.

Antti Salminen
PDG, Chairman
Finnish-Estonian Multidistrict (1380-1430)
Tampereentie 84, 66400 Laihia, Finland
Tel +358 400 476600
E-mail: chair(at)


Corona virus has spread all over the world. It has reached already over 100 countries.
In China, South Korea and Italy there are most infections, but numbers rise up every day.

Until now 220 people have got infection in Finland. Our medical authorities follow up situation continuously and will inform daily through TV and magazines.

Please follow daily information of Your host family, club counsellor and school.

To avoid risk to have infection our Multidistrict organisation has decided:

  • St Petersburg Tour is cancelled.
  • The decision about Euro Tour will be decided on 18.3.2020
  • All inbounds meetings are cancelled until further
  • All inbounds travels are fully restricted and are under specific authorization of district chairs together with club YEOs or counsellor.
  • Any inbound grouping is not allowed
  • District Conferences have been cancelled

As it has been stated by RI and already acknowledged by our exchange partners that natural parents they have the right to request the exchange to be terminated earlier. In the event of an early termination it is very important to take care of the personal safety and welfare of the student during travel back to home. Again that is a decision of the natural parents.

If You want travel back to Your home country, please contact Your host club counsellor and correspondent. Agreement about early return must be decided between correspondents.

Please remember that the risk of infection during travel may be greater than remaining in host country.

The safety of our students, our RYE officers, our members, our families is our absolute priority.

Antti Salminen
PDG, Chairman
Finnish-Estonian Multidistrict (1380-1430)
Tampereentie 84, 66400 Laihia, Finland
Tel +358 400 476600
E-mail: chair(at)