What We Do
We want to act and make an impact
Rotary aims at making the world a better place and address issues that make people’s lives difficult. We seek to tackle today’s urgent challenges by implementing projects in our local communities as well as international projects in collaboration with other clubs.
What does the Rotary District 1420 Do
Rotary clubs are the basic units of action. The purpose of a Rotary club is to fulfill Rotary’s mission and carry out successful service projects.
A Rotary district is a regional administrative and service unit
The district’s role is to support, inspire, and enable the success of its Rotary clubs while serving as an effective link between international Rotary activities and local clubs. The goal is for all Rotary clubs in the district, operating in Finland and Estonia, to be vibrant and committed to Rotary’s objectives.
District Operational Areas
Administrative Services
The district is led by a governor, supported by the district council, assistant governors (AGs) responsible for different areas, district committees, and other officers.
The district governor is an official representative of Rotary International (RI).
Their duty is to promote activities aligned with RI’s goals by supporting, guiding, mentoring, and inspiring the district’s clubs.
The district council supports the governor in carrying out their duties.
It also functions as the board of the registered association Rotary District 1420 ry – Rotarydistrikt 1420 rf.
International cooperation focuses on the Rotary International, The Rotary Foundation, and Rotary zones and regions. Nationally, the district collaborates with the Rotary Service of Finland and Estonia ry and other Finnish Rotary districts.
Assistant governors assist the governor and governor-elect in administrative tasks and support the clubs in their respective regions, ensuring they receive timely information about RI and district goals.
The Financial Committee assists the incoming governor in budgeting, ensures that district finances are managed according to guidelines and good accounting practices, prepares financial statements within the given deadlines, communicates with auditors, and reports financial matters to the district council.
The district’s financial statements and budgets are approved at official district meetings. Financial documents can be found in the district’s Google Drive-folders.
Youth Exchange
Youth Exchange is a key activity for both the district and its clubs. It is managed by the district’s Youth Exchange Committee, which operates within the multi-district youth exchange organization of the Rotary Service of Finland and Estonia ry. The committee promotes youth exchange in the district and oversees related training.
The committee ensures that youth exchange in the district complies with Rotary International’s Youth Exchange Certification (RCP) requirements. It also approves club-selected exchange students, assists with applications, and decides on possible scholarships for outgoing students.
Additionally, the committee monitors the behaviour, schooling, and travel of incoming exchange students, as well as their treatment by host families and clubs, ensuring adherence to Rotary’s youth exchange rules. The committee also organizes mandatory events for exchange students and coordinates the district’s youth camps.
Read more about the Rotary Youth Exchange.

Regional Development
The Baltic Sea Forum promotes project collaboration between district clubs and inter-district cooperation in protecting the Baltic Sea’s local waters. The forum encourages and activates clubs to carry out practical initiatives aimed at improving the condition of the Gulf of Finland and nearby waters. It also raises awareness and responsibility regarding the state and protection of these waters within the district.
Read more about the district’s environmental and Baltic Sea activities..
The district clubs have multiple regional projects. Find examples of club projects here.

Rotary’s Humanitarian Projects
The Rotary Foundation funds Rotary’s humanitarian projects. The district’s Rotary Foundation Committee is responsible for training and raising awareness about the foundation at the district and club levels. It also maintains contact with club foundation committees and chairs.
Training and communication emphasize the importance of donations and provide detailed guidance on utilizing Rotary Foundation grants for club humanitarian projects.
End Polio Now
Rotary’s primary goal is to eradicate polio worldwide. Through collaboration with partners, Rotary has reduced polio cases by 99% since 1988. If successful, polio would become only the second human disease to be completely eradicated, after smallpox.
Rotary’s key responsibilities include fundraising, advocacy, and mobilizing volunteers. The district’s Rotarians contribute to the End Polio Now initiative through membership fees and voluntary donations.
Read more aboput the End Polio Now
Global Grants Projects
The district’s clubs participate in international Global Grants projects. Find examples of projects here.

Membership Development
Growing club membership is essential for a thriving Rotary club. The Membership Committee identifies, promotes, and implements membership strategies to increase the number of members in district clubs. It also develops and executes plans for establishing new Rotary clubs.
Together with assistant governors, the Membership Committee supports struggling clubs in revitalizing, merging with another club, or closing in an orderly manner.
Visit the ”Join Us” section of the website to find a list of district clubs and membership guidelines.

Training is a key part of Rotary activities. Various training sessions for officers and members ensure that they have the necessary skills for their roles and deepen their understanding of Rotary.
The Training Committee supports the governor and governor-elect in training district and club officers. The committee is chaired by the District Trainer.
Find more information about the district’s training programs and events in the district calendar.

IT Services
The IT Committee supports the district and clubs with technology-related issues, including MyRotary, other information services, websites, and IT tools for meetings and communication.

Rotary Materials
The district maintains a storage facility with supplies that can be borrowed for district, committee, and club events.
View available materials here.

Rotary Awareness
The Communications Committee promotes Rotary activities and increases awareness and appreciation of Rotary service projects within the community. The committee manages and develops the district’s internal and external communications, distributes information about Rotary to the public and decision-makers, and assists clubs with publicity efforts. It also ensures that RI’s PR materials are available to clubs, the media, and the broader community.
In addition to news updates ja guvernor’s newsletters follow Ditrict 1420’s Facebook group ja Instagram account as well as Rotary Norden magazine.