Environment and the Baltic Sea
We take care of the environment
Rotarians are committed to supporting activities that enhance the conservation and protection of natural resources, promote ecological sustainability, and maintain the balance between communities and nature. We support projects that address the causes of climate change and environmental pollution with the goal of reducing the harmful impacts of these changes. In our projects, we emphasize the importance of raising environmental awareness and promoting environmental education.
The drainage basin of the Baltic Sea covers an area four times larger than the sea itself, spanning over 10 countries including Finland, Sweden, the Baltic states, and Poland. Any work done to benefit the nearby waters, even inland, ultimately benefits our own sea, the Baltic Sea.
Since 2009, a total of 1420 Rotary clubs in our district have been systematically committed to water conservation efforts. The first club joined the Baltic Sea Challenge network initiative ( https://www.itamerihaaste.fi ) launched by the cities of Helsinki and Turku, and the district’s first Baltic Sea Committee was established.
The current goal of the Baltic Sea Forum is to continue supporting and inspiring clubs in their water conservation and environmental activities. Clubs can implement various water and environmental conservation activities that are suitable for other small organizations, ranging from fundraising to increasing awareness, concrete acquisitions, collaboration with other stakeholders, and volunteer work. The district’s Baltic Sea Forum has been organizing workshops to find water conservation activities for interested clubs for several years now. A workshop lasts approximately 60 minutes and can be held on-site or remotely.
Contact information of the Baltic Sea Forum
The Baltic Sea Forum is one of the district committees of the district 1420. You can find members and their contact information in the district 1420 organization using this link.

The drainage basin of the Baltic Sea
Climate Challenge for Clubs – Two-part webinar series
Welcome to apply for lessons in the climate work of clubs!
Rotary has taken an active role in solving environmental problems. The biggest problem is climate change. In the spring of 2023, the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group ESRAG challenged clubs to consider their own carbon footprint and find ways to slow down climate change. Already 110 clubs from different countries have accepted the climate challenge!
Now is the time for the clubs in our district to roll up their sleeves and step by step to become a climate club. The district’s Baltic Sea Forum organized a two-part webinar series, mainly in Finnish, from which the club can get some solid food for the change journey.
Webinar 1 on Thursday 8 February 2024: Climate change and its effects: In the webinar we focused on the current state of climate change, its effects on nature and our society. We heard expert speeches and also discussed how Rotarians can have a positive impact on curbing climate change through their own activities.
Webinar 2 on Tuesday, April 9, 2024: Practical climate actions: In the webinar, we discussed concrete climate actions and projects. We gave examples of successful climate actions and discussed how every club and Rotarian can participate in solving environmental challenges.
Video content:
00:00 Webinaarin vetäjän puheenvuoro, Päivi Kippo-Edlund, Porvoo Läntinen – Borgå Västra
05:44 Alkusanat, Ritva Semi, piirikuvernööri, Rotarypiiri 1420
09:18 Rotary as a Climate Actor, Stephanie Urchick, Rotary Internationalin tuleva presidentti
29:25 Vihreä energiasiirtymä keskeisessä roolissa ilmastonmuutoksen hillitsemisessä, professori Peter Lund, Aalto-yliopisto
52:29 Maan kasvukunnon merkitys ruoantuotannolle ja ympäristölle, projektijohtaja Eija Hagelberg, Baltic Sea Action Group
1:18:07 Kulutuksen ilmastovaikutukset, kehittämispäällikkö Ari Nissinen, Suomen ympäristökeskus ja ympäristöpolitiikan dosentti, Helsingin yliopisto
1:41:50 Yhteenveto ja loppupuheenvuoro, Päivi Kippo-Edlund, Porvoo Läntinen – Borgå Västra
The recording of the 2nd part of the webinar can be viewed in the attached video or on the District 1420 YouTube channel at https://youtu.be/VPUpInR2xs8
Video content:
00:00 Webinaarin vetäjän puheenvuoro, Päivi Kippo-Edlund, Porvoo Läntinen – Borgå Västra
03:26 Alkusanat, Lotta Ruokanen, puheenjohtaja, Itämeri-foorumi, Rotarypiiri 1420
07:40 Vihreän siirtymän mahdollisuudet Suomelle, Ulla Heinonen, johtaja, Elinkeinoelämän keskusliitto EK
31:08 Liikenteen ilmastopäästöt ja niiden vähentäminen – Saara Jääskeläinen, liikenneneuvos, Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriö,
52:36 How to make your club climate friendly – Michael Koch, Euroopan varapuheenjohtaja, ESRAG
1:20:08 Ensimmäisen webinaarin kyselyn tulokset ja ryhmätyöt, Lotta Ruokanen
1:23:11 Yhteenveto ja loppupuheenvuoro, Päivi Kippo-Edlund
Instructions on using the water backpack – how to proceed with students
The water backpacks have been developed by SYKE, the Finnish Environment Institute, in collaboration with Rotary. Currently, hundreds of Finnish schools are using the backpacks. Through the recording of the webinar held on Monday, March 4, 2024, you will receive practical advice on starting water monitoring and using the equipment.
See also the Water backpack Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/725404062484994
The Water backpack website can be found at: Http://vesireppu.com
The water backpack contact persons for Rotary District 1420 are Kaisu Annala and Anne Karikoski from Helsinki Munkkiniemi Rotary Club. You can contact them via Baltic Sea Forum e-mail: itameri.d1420@rotary.fi
Video content:
00:00 Monitoring the state of water bodies
05:55 Using the water backpack
41:59 Current situation: how many backpacks have been distributed/user experiences
45:05 Questions and discussion
Kaisu Annala and Anne Karikoski from the Munkkiniemi Rotary Club will provide guidance in the webinar.
Training material for Blue-green algae monitoring
In the summer of 2024, we will again continue the good joint project of Finnish rotary districts – the protection of nearby waters and the Baltic Sea – with our partner Finnish Environmental Center Syke. The contribution of Rotarians in observing the blue-green algae situation is a valued and welcome addition to Syke’s observation network. It is a valuable civic activity for the benefit of research and the environment (so-called citizen science).
In May, two online training events were organized.
- Tuesday 7 May 2024 at 15:00 – 17:30 (observations will be made in the sea area).
- Tuesday 14 May 2024 from 15:00 to 17:30 (observations will be made in the lake area).

District and club activities

Rotary’s 7th focus area is Environment and Sustainability, read more: https://www.rotary.org/en/our-causes/protecting-environment