Interact clubs

Joy for young people from service

Interact clubs are meant for young people ages 12–18. Clubs work in co-operation with the sponsoring Rotary club and offer young people the opportunity to develop their social skills and leadership abilities. Rotarians help members to make contact with local leaders and actors of various fields to realize their service projects. They will learn to network locally and if they so desire, also internationally.

Young people can frequently observe the problems or areas in need of development in their environment better than adults can. Working together, they can think about how to influence things and in co-operation with Rotarians, they can achieve change.

Interact began operating in the United States in 1962. The first Interact club in Finland and the Nordic countries was founded in 1963 in Somero. Globally, there exist over 20 000 Interact clubs in 160 countries, with almost 670 000 members. Interact is an excellent way to network at a young age with other active young people from many countries.