Leader of Sports
Leader of Sports
Six Rotary clubs in Tampere area organized a RYLA course for 15 high school students in April-May 2018. Hockey legends Teppo Numminen, Jukka Tammi as well as Mr Antti Hynynen, who served as the captain of the local Ilves football team, told the participants about their careers and experiences of various leadership situations. Led by local Rotary trainers, the eight-hour course covered issues starting from personnel management, crisis management, ethical values of leadership and sports to specific issues of multicultural team leadership, among others. The importance and methods of branding as well as knowledge of the contemporary media environment were also included in the program. At the end of the course, visions for the post-sports career were discussed and even the need of the sports venues construction in the Tampere region were considered.
The course was implemented as a joint project of several Rotary clubs. The Tampere-Kissanmaa Rotary Club, Rotary Club Tampere International, Tammer Nova Rotary Club, Ylöjärvi Rotary Club, Pirkkala Rotary Club and Nokia Rotary Club were involved in the planning and implementation of the course held in Sampo Central High School in Tampere.