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Päiväys ja aika
16:30 - 18:00

Hotelli Santa Claus

The Rotary Club of Rovaniemi gathered for its 27th weekly meeting today at Hotel Santa Claus. This week’s presentation is held by brother Tapio Jalonen.
In his presentation “Energian year 2023 – Electricity”, he told about the state of the electricity market in his 2023 year review. Many things have changed even in a short period of time. Electricity produced in Finland is 94% carbon neutral. This issue is not widely brought up in public for some reason, even though it is a great issue.
Brother Tapio also told about the effect of wind power on electricity pricing and at the same time how there are several factors to consider in price formation. In light of the statistics, it was also seen that Finland has the second cheapest electricity in Europe.
The interesting and perceptive presentation sparked a lively discussion in the audience.
Brother Tapio Jalonen presented about energy year 2023

Brother Tapio Jalonen presented about energy year 2023

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