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Päiväys ja aika
16:30 - 18:00

Hotelli Santa Claus

The Rotary Club of Rovaniemi gathered for its 26th weekly meeting today at Hotel Santa Claus. This week’s presentation was held by brother Erkki Huttunen.
He explained what a digital legacy is and how to prepare for its management and transfer, and how it is good to inform your relatives or trusted persons of your digital legacy.
Brother Erkki illustrated the problem field caused by modern digitality and the abundance of identifiers and gave examples of the various manifestations of the legacy, from phones through bank identifiers to social media platforms. Traces are left in everyday life, and if you don’t pay attention to the digital legacy already during your lifetime, relatives will have great difficulties finding out which services or operating platforms the deceased has user accounts in.
The interesting and perceptive presentation sparked a lively discussion in the audience.
Brother Erkki Huttunen presenting Digital Legacy

Brother Erkki Huttunen presenting Digital Legacy

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