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Päiväys ja aika
16:30 - 18:00

Hotelli Santa Claus

The Rotary Club of Rovaniemi gathered for its 25th weekly meeting at Hotel Santa Claus. Rotarians give presentations on professional or current topics, and the club’s functional committees are also a topic from time to time.
This week’s presentation was held by brother Asko Kivilahti, chairman of the membership and publicity committee. Veli Asko presented ScoreCard based goal-oriented and easy-to-follow results monitoring model, and President Manu Pajuluoma told how social media visibility has developed with the increase in the number of posts and also thanks to the active followers.
As a guest this week at the meeting was Lukas, researcher at the Arctic Center and entrepreneur of Lauri houses. Our meetings are visited by people to get to know Rotary activities, and Victoria, who gave an autobiographical presentation a couple of weeks ago, contacted our president directly and visited the activities and has been a valuable addition to our charity club ever since.
Brother Asko Kivilahti, chairman of the membership and publicity committee.

Brother Asko Kivilahti, chairman of the membership and publicity committee.

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