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Päiväys ja aika
16:30 - 18:00

Hotelli Santa Claus

Week’s presentation was given by sister Victoria Mlakar and the topic was her career story. Sister Viktoria is an energetic person who radiates ideas and good humor. She has studied in her home country Austria a university degree in art and she also has a master’s degree in art at the University of Lapland after settling in Lapland, at the Arctic Circle. In addition to sports hobbies, she has teaching qualifications in several fields and long experience in the restaurant industry. She wants to make the world better for everyone and realizes this idea in her profession as a service designer and light artist and by actively participating in Rotary activities. In the future, she mentioned the expansion of the hobby selection to care for bees as well.
Sister Victoria Mlakar's Ego-presentation

Sister Victoria Mlakar’s Ego-presentation

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