Rotary as an organization is based on local Rotary Clubs. There are about 270 clubs in Finland and Estonia altogether, out of which 20 are located in Estonia. In big cities there may be several Rotary Clubs.
Each and every Rotary Club has independent authority over its own activities, in accordance with Rotary values and objectives, though. Every year Rotary Clubs elect the president and other club officials, such as the secretary, sergeant-at-arms and treasurer.
The center of Rotary activities is the club meeting, which is usually held in the same place at the same time. The meeting is held normally once a week, but there must be a meeting at least twice a month. In addition to club meetings there are other programs, too, such as visits to companies, lectures or different kind of social evening programs for members.
Talks and introductions to different themes given by the club members or invited guests at the meetings are the foundations in the activities. The themes of these talks come from the vocational expertise of the speaker or some recent events, which are of common interest.
Rotarians can invite guests to the meetings to show them how the club works or to listen to topical lectures.