The Rotary Club of Tallinn Reval offers children of needy families a chance to attend an exciting Summer Camp. The camp is located at the Estonian Union for Child Welfare charity organisation’s Remniku Camp site by Lake Peipsijärvi. The Project aims to provide children aged 7-16 and living in reduced circumstances with experiences for eight days to promote their well-being and development.

Summer can be a very challenging time to children of needy families. They are left without their daily school lunch and school-provided activities. It is very difficult for families to organise free time activities that are suitable for all children in their own age group. The children rarely get a chance to spend time in the countryside. When they return to school, they do not have any exciting summer holiday stories to share with others.

In addition to trained camp counsellors, many club volunteers work at the camp in organising, inspiring the young, and providing the required support.

The fifth Jubilee Year of the Päikeselaager Summer Camp was celebrated in 2018. Each year, 220 children have attended the camp. The effects that the Camps have on children and young people encourage us to keep organising the Camps Year after Year.

We aim to inspire the chidren and young people so that one day the memoirs of a great inventor might start with ”I built my first small robot on the Päikeselaager Summer Camp”, or a world-famous ballerina could say ”Päikeselaager Summer Camp made me realise that dancing is my life”.

Let’s dream big together!

* päike means the sun in Finnish