Guvernör’s newsletter, Maj 2024

According to statistics, there are more than 100,000 registered associations in Finland. However, the number of associations is larger, because associations do not have to register. These registered associations include our Rotary District and its clubs. In Finland, the activities of associations are regulated by the Associations Act and the clubs’ own rules. The Associations Act and rules strengthen the democracy of associations, the transparency of operations and the rights and obligations of members. Estonia also has its own guidelines for association activities.

Different associations bring together different people who have either the same hobby or the same world of ideas and the same goals in action. Rotary activities are a hobby and voluntary activity, where the goal is to do good, to work to achieve the goals of the seven focus areas of Rotarians. The values ​​of Rotarians are, for example, friendship, supporting each other and learning new things, networking and maintaining and creating international connections. The members of the clubs give their time and work without pay for common goals and objectives. This also brings a good mood to the authors and actors themselves.

By joining Rotarians, we have accepted the values ​​and goals of Rotarians. So, we agree on big things. At the club level, however, we have great freedom to define and decide what we do, service projects and meeting contents and other activities. In this way, each club can find activities of their own and related to their area and members’ interests.

Although there are a huge number of different associations in Finland, the number of members of many associations has decreased or at least is not increasing.  In our own rotary community, we have also been taking care of getting new members for some time.

How to get people interested in Rotarians and Rotary activities? There is no single clear answer to this, but each club must consider its own area and potential members. During a club visit, the idea was thrown to me that rotary activities are best suited for those who are already starting to cool down in working life. Perhaps? On the other hand, we could consider how many people know what Rotarians do and why they meet weekly. Should we be more visible? Should we do more outside than inside meeting rooms? There is no single answer to these questions, but they are worth thinking about.

We have two important rotary events coming up. Rotary will be 120 years old next year. On the other hand, it will be 100 years since the foundation of the first rotary club in Finland in December 2026. These are events that give us the opportunity to be visible both in the national media and locally. So, let’s get familiar with rotary operation as a group.

On the last weekend of April, our district’s official spring meeting, district conference and conference were held in Nuuksio. It was wonderful that about 60 Rotarians from different clubs were there.

At the meeting, we approved the action plan, the district management plan and the budget for the coming rotary year. There was also a wonderful group of exchange students from different countries. They got excited about the nature of Nuuksio and the walk to the hut and the shed. They weren’t terribly excited about the meeting, but they understood when we told them that this is how associations work. Exchange student activities are truly a jewel of Rotarians that should be maintained. It’s great to meet enthusiastic, international young people.

We Rotarians can create goodwill in our own community. Helping community members and making sure that everyone has a good time. This year’s theme – Let’s create hope in the world is really important when the world is not peaceful and many young people and children are not feeling well.

Let’s do good together

Ritva Semi
DG 2023-2024