Governers monthly letter / District news August 2024


Our motto for the year is “The Magic of Rotary.” What does this mean? Together, we solve local problems and change the world. For me, the idea of TOGETHER is very important. Together, we can help Ukraine, and together, we help make the world a better place. Rotary clubs comprise the most intelligent and best part of society. What if we tried TOGETHER to identify the problems we are currently facing? We will never get there if we don’t know where we are going. I wouldn’t ask what problem we have in our community and which problem we can solve if I didn’t believe that an answer is possible. By asking, we can also reach the ROMEO club, and that, too, is an answer. If a club decides to be “rich old men eating out,” there is nothing wrong with that. It is wrong when we don’t know why our club exists or our strategic plan.

Let’s start with the question: What do we want? Then, we think together about how to achieve it, and finally, we do it! One district, four languages, two countries, and zero unsolved problems—this is our district 1420.

Even though most of us are still at our summer homes, sailing at sea, watching world sports events, picking berries in the forest, or just enjoying the holiday wave, now is the time to experience “The Magic of Rotary.” This year, it is important to remember the conditions because, with a favourable wind, these conditions can lead to great experiences for all of us. More than ever, we must admit that Rotary is the face of our clubs, and no one else will organize our lives for us.

Rotary International President Stephanie Ulrich chose “The Magic of Rotary” as our year’s motto. This motto has many meanings because we give it meaning. What is this magic of Rotary that we are here and not in any other organization? This Rotary year marks the 120th anniversary of Rotary International. In the spring, the president of Rotary International will visit us.

On July 23, 2024, the Kristiine Rotary Club received its charter, and two more clubs will be established. The beginning of the Rotary year is immediately marked by important events. On October 6, we have the Silakkasoutu. The district conference “Healthy Society: Health and Peace” will be held on October 19 in Tartu, the European Capital of Culture 2024, at the Estonian National Museum. The Tartu Hansa Rotary Club has selected the speakers from among the best in their fields for the conference. The conference will feature people who cannot be heard just for money. Some names from the conference program include the spouse of the President of the Republic of Estonia, Sirje Karis, Marko Mihelson, Martin Herem, President Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Peeter Koppel, Margus Viigimaa, and Andres Metspalu. The conference is free, but there will be a charge for the daily meal. The governor’s evening dance and gala dinner will be funded by ticket sales. The support of the conference sponsors promises to organize a pleasant event. The conference is designed so that men and women, family members, or older children would also want to participate. This is our festival, a celebration that brings new acquaintances and gives new ideas, and I truly hope it is the beginning of some collaboration projects. Clubs can present their projects, photo exhibitions, and historical reviews during the conference. We will have the Hurda Hall and the lobby of the ERM at our disposal. More information can be found at

District news will begin to appear instead of the governor’s monthly letters. Because the only VIP in Rotary is the Rotarian. Let’s start with baby steps because big changes require big resources, but small changes only require goodwill.



Rotary- that is, people of action. There is no club without people and no district without clubs. Rotarians and clubs are the most important in the district. The number of Rotarians in our district has decreased in recent years by up to 100 people per year in Finland. In Estonian, it’s growing a bit. We’re talking about Rotary needing young people. I do not agree With that. I think Rotary needs active people.

Being actively involved in Rotary life is not always about age.  I want to put the same thing on everyone’s heart so that we do not forget those who have been members of our club for 30, 40, sometimes 50 years and have now withdrawn from active life. Let’s keep them informed of what we’re doing. One of the great magic powers of Rotary is to ward off loneliness. At governors’ training in Orlando, I heard that a feeling of loneliness kills as consistently as smoking 14 cigarettes a day. We keep our long-time members active with us.

Accepting new members into clubs is a long-term process. I am pleased that the DEI principle of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion applies to Rotary. Anyone who shares Rotary ideas, Service Above Self, and behaves according to the 4-question test has an equal chance of being part of Rotary. However, I think this equal opportunity applies to the Rotary organisation and the district. Every club should be allowed to prioritize its membership. Be helpful in finding a club that works for everyone who wants to. Today, there are many different ways to start a club, be it company-based, hobby-based or any other unifying way. The way club meetings are held is also not regulated. Clubs with online meetings or clubs that only do projects are becoming more and more popular.

I think it’s important for the club to have its own action plan so that we know what we want to do, where to get to and how.

In Estonia, the Kristiine Rotary Club just received a charter letter. The average age of the members is 27. Since 2021, the club has been a satellite club of the Tallinn Old Town Club. Well done!


Happy Restoration of Independence Day, Estonia!

On August 20th, we celebrate Estonia’s freedom and independence, which was regained on August 20th, 1991. Let this day remind us all how precious freedom is and how important it is to protect it. Long live freeEstonia!

Aune Past DG 2024-2025

Have a lovely summer!


Aune Past, DG 2024-2025
Tartu Hansa Rotary club





Over the next three months, we will bring you exciting previews of the speakers at the October conference! Each news letter will feature outstanding experts and their presentation topics, giving you a glimpse of what to expect at the conference. Stay tuned, and don’tmiss out!


Prof. Margus Viigimaa MD, PhD, FESC, FACC

”Rotary has been successfully working worldwide to eradicate polio. We are now at a point where we hope to complete this mission in the near future and are planning new significant activities. As an expert, I dare to say that a new pandemic has taken over the world–cardiovascular  diseases. We are used to hearing concerns in Rotary clubs about ageing memberships”


Gunnar Toomemets

The Rotary district conference presents speakers to the participants whom they wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity to hear. This is especially significant because the topics are so urgent—health and peace. These are incredibly important issues in today’s world!
I am part of the conference team because it allows me to contribute to the Rotary principle of “Service Above Self.” Additionally, it is a great opportunity to meet other Rotarians and broaden my horizons.

Read more here.