The Rotary Foundation

The Rotary Foundation

Donations by Rotarians and Rotary clubs are directed by the Rotary Foundation to people in distress, near or far. With the various grants Rotarians can help people in their own communities and worldwide – providing help where distress and need are greatest.

The Rotary Foundation committee coordinates the district’s grant activity. The committee encourages, trains and assists Rotarians in grant activities and fund-raising in its district. The committee’s key forms of grant activity are the annual preparing of district grants, selecting which club projects to support and reporting payments to the Foundation. In addition to the district grant process, the committee assists clubs and Rotarians in raising funds for the polio fund. Any significant donations and wills usually require the Foundation committee’s expertise.

For substantial contributions, Rotarians also receive recognition. The best-known recognition is the Paul Harris Fellow. The District Rotary Foundation committee orders these medallions from the Zurich office.

Larger international grants – Global Grant projects – are under the international projects section.



Markku Antikainen, Tampere-Lielahti
Mobile +358-40-570 5556