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Päiväys ja aika
16:30 - 18:00

Hotelli Santa Claus

The weekly meeting had a tight and warm atmosphere! Brother Jari Nykänen gave a presentation about his experiences with electric cars, which raised many questions and comments. We got Antti Eteläaho and Matias Kassala as our new members, to whom President Manu Pajuluoma gave a speech about the Rotarians’ four-question test, handed out rotary pins and lit a candle – for Antti virtually.

At the same time, the Barents 2023 event was held at the Santa Claus hotel, and due to the change of space, 15 Rotarians enjoyed a close atmosphere in a smaller than normal meeting space. The five remote participants had a bit more space, but everyone had fun!

After the weekly meeting, a club board meeting was held on the theme of public image and membership.

Brother Jari Nykänen gave the presentation.

Brother Jari Nykänen gave the presentation.

New member Matias Kassala.

New member Matias Kassala.


The new brothers Matias Kassala and Antti Eteläaho and the president and godfather Manu Pajuluoma

The new brothers Matias Kassala and Antti Eteläaho and the president and godfather Manu Pajuluoma

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