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Päiväys ja aika
16:30 - 18:00

Hotelli Santa Claus

Rovaniemi Rotary Club and Rovaniemi Santa Claus Rotary Club organized a joint Christmas party at Hotel Santa Claus. In addition to the local brothers and sisters, there were also international guests warmly welcomed by presidents Manu Pajuluoma and Jaana Koskela. Sonia Pérez from Sheffield (UK) visited us and the participants in the youth exchange brought more of an international atmosphere. Even Santa Claus himself took a spin bringing his greetings to the clubs.
Rovaniemi Santa Claus rotary club president Jaana Koskela, visitor Sofia Perez from England, Santa Claus and Rovaniemi Rotary club president Maniu Pajuluoma

Rovaniemi Santa Claus Rotary Club president Jaana Koskela, visitor Sonia Pérez from Sheffield (UK), Santa Claus and Rovaniemi Rotary Club president Manu Pajuluoma

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