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Päiväys ja aika
16:30 - 18:00

Hotelli Santa Claus

The Rovaniemi Rotary Club and the Rovaniemi Santa Claus Rotary Club held a joint meeting today, where the RIKO project was presented, i.e. an operating model for working with young people with symptoms of crime. Social workers Lauri Vakkuri and Heidi Ylipulli presented the operation and results of the project. Special interest was aroused by the perspective brought to the subject by experience expert Tuomo Katainen. The presentation sparked a lot of discussion and reflection. Thanks to the presenters and the psychiatrist Kaisa Marjamäki, who initially proposed cooperation on the issue!

The RIKO project has been operating in Rovaniemi and nearby municipalities since 2021, helping young people under 30 with symptoms of crime and substance abuse to change their lives. Funding for the project has so far come from the Ministry of Justice, which has piloted the operational model for young people with symptoms of crime in its area of operation. The operating model’s principles include intensive and comprehensive support for the young client, multi-agency cooperation, and walking side by side in all matters that challenge the young person’s life. The RIKO project currently operates as part of the welfare region of Lapland, and negotiations are currently underway to introduce the activity to the social sector.

Social workers Lauri Vakkuri and Heidi Ylipulli and experience expert Tuomo Katainen presenting the RIKO project.

Social workers Lauri Vakkuri and Heidi Ylipulli and experience expert Tuomo Katainen presenting the RIKO project.

Members of the Rovaniemi Rotary Club and the Rovaniemi Santa Claus Rotary Club in the Kuru cabinet. You could also participate in the hybrid meeting via the network, and our "owl" took care of the video and sound.

Members of the Rovaniemi Rotary Club and the Rovaniemi Santa Claus Rotary Club in the Kuru cabinet. You could also participate in the hybrid meeting via the network, and our “owl” took care of the video and sound.

President Manu Pajuluoma introducing the day's presenters.

President Manu Pajuluoma introducing the day’s presenters.

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