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Päiväys ja aika
14.10.2023 - 15.10.2023
16:00 - 14:00

Lapland Hotels Luostotunturi

Rotary district 1385’s district meeting and training was organized on 14-15 October 2023 in Sodankylä, Luosto, with the theme “Autumn festival in the land of the Northern lights”.

The district meeting of Rotary District 1385 was held in Luosto, led by DG Petri Keränen, and more than 70 Rotarians participated in the event. The event was great and inspiring, and on the first day, in addition to the official district meeting program and awards, we heard presentations from Sodankylä municipal manager Jari Rantapelkonen, Sodankylä Rotary Club president Riitta Virtanen, and space physicist Esa Turunen. The evening was spent in the wonderful surroundings of Jaakkola’s reindeer farm. On the second day, we continued with training and outdoor activities. Foundation, youth exchange, membership, and other Rotary matters were covered in the trainings. Thanks to IPDG Arja Saarento for a great fall party!

Sodankylä's municipal manager Jari Rantapelkonen presenting the municipality's current issues.

Sodankylä’s municipal manager Jari Rantapelkonen presenting the municipality’s current issues.

Space physicist Esa Turunen's amazing and inspiring presentation of the northern lights, which can be enjoyed 200 days a year in Sodankylä, if the sky is cloudless.

Space physicist Esa Turunen’s amazing and inspiring presentation of the northern lights, which can be enjoyed 200 days a year in Sodankylä, if the sky is cloudless.

Dinner at Jaakkola's reindeer farm.

Dinner at Jaakkola’s reindeer farm.

Rovaniemi Rotary Club delegation, president Manu Pajuluoma and past president Kenneth Karlsson and Sari Melamies.

Rovaniemi Rotary Club delegation, president Manu Pajuluoma and past president Kenneth Karlsson and Sari Melamies.

DGE Matias Granvik training on youth exchange issues.

DGE Matias Granvik training on youth exchange issues.

On a walking tour in Luosto in fresh snow.

On a walking tour in Luosto in fresh snow.

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