The Rotary Club of Rovaniemi and the Santa Claus Rotary Club gathered on June 18, 2024 for a joint president’s exchange meeting at Sky Hotell in Ounasvaara.
The current presidents of both clubs, Jaana Koskela and Manu Pajuluoma, thanked everyone for the past operating season 2023-2024. The Rovaniemi club had awarded PHF recognition to brother Kenneth Karlsson, who was presented at the event.
The current presidents of both clubs, Jaana Koskela and Manu Pajuluoma, thanked everyone for the past operating season 2023-2024. The Rovaniemi club had awarded PHF recognition to brother Kenneth Karlsson, who was presented at the event.
The president’s chains were traditionally handed over to the next term’s presidents Tuire Eilittä and Toni Kurvinen through the hands of assistant governor Harri Haavisto. In their speech, the presidents of the next season 2024-2025 talked about their policies and plans for the coming season.
After the festivities, we moved to the upstairs restaurant hall for a dinner party. A charity auction was held in connection with the dinner, with brother Ville-Pekka Jokela acting as broker. The proceeds will be handed over to charity without amortization.
Rotary’s administrative season changes and meetings have a short summer break. Activities continue in charity projects also in the summer season. Relaxing summer!
Rotarytoiminnan perustana ovat paikalliset rotaryklubit, jotka kokoavat yhteen vaikuttajia tekemään hyvää omalla paikkakunnallaan. Rotarina voit toteuttaa mielekkäitä hyväntekeväisyysprojekteja lähelle ja kauas. Rovaniemellä toimii kaksi rotaryklubia; löydät meistä lisätietoja ja yhteystietomme nettisivuiltamme ja Facebookista: