Last summer, when planning the upcoming Rotary year, we thought it would be fun to get to know better the companies and communities that have an impact in Rovaniemi, and also to spend time in good company.

Manu Pajuluoma and Jaana Koskela, the presidents of the Rovaniemi Rotary Clubs, agreed that the Rovaniemi Rotary Club and the Rovaniemi Santa Claus Rotary Club will carry out nine joint community and company visits in the 2023-2024 season. The first two visits have already been successes and more will follow.

  1. LapIT – ICT service company, 22 August 2023
  2. BRP Finland – snowmobile factory, 19 September 2023
  3. Finnish Red Cross, 14 November 2023
  4. Arcturia, 12 December 2023
  5. University of Lapland, 23 January 2024
  6. Rovaniemi Airport, 20 February 2024
  7. Norrhydro, 19.3.2024
  8. Kunnon Paikka, 16 April 2024
  9. Kolpenne support and expertise center, 21 May 2024

In addition, we are leaving for Helsinki to visit the Parliament on May 17, 2024.

If you are interested in rotary activities, get in touch and we will tell you how to get involved!

Yritysvierailulla LapIT Oy:llä 22.8.2023.

On a company visit to LapIT Oy on 22 August 2023.


Yritysvierailu BRP Finlandille 19.9.2023

Company visit to BRP Finland on 19 September 2023.

The basis of Rotary activities are local Rotary clubs, which bring together influencers to do good in their own community. As a Rotarian, you can implement meaningful charity projects near and far. There are two rotary clubs in Rovaniemi; you can find more information about us and our contact information on our website and Facebook:

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