D1385 DISTRICT CONFERENCE was organized on 5-7 May 2023 in Rovaniemi.

The district conference started on May 5, 2023 with a Get Together trip to Norvajärvi to get to know the newly felled and parked construction needs of the Rovaniemi Rotary Club and Rovaniemi Santa Claus Rotary Club ry’s future Revontulilaavu, as well as the German soldiers’ cemetery. The trip continued to Alakorkalo’s shed for fried sausages and wheat coffee.

PDG Irena Brichta from Prague, district governor Urmas Kaarlep from Tallinn, and Stuart Amesbury, who presented European Disaster Aid activities, were present as international guests at the district conference. Rotary activities and clubs’ projects were presented at the House of Friendship held in the Sampo center on Saturday.

The program also included a district party and the crowning of the weekend was the governor’s dinner gala on Saturday, where during the lighter program, awards were given to meritorious clubs and Rotarians, and a charity auction and raffle was held.

In addition to the Rotarians and their spouses, there were also all our exchange students in our district and a large representation of the three Rotaract clubs operating in our district. In total, there were more than 150 participants.

Picture: Exchange students told about their experiences at the governor's dinner gala.

Picture: Exchange students told about their experiences at the governor’s dinner gala.


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