Rotaract and Interact

Rotaract and Interact

The activities of Rotaract clubs are meant for young adults, ages 18-30. The purpose of these activities is personal development into responsible adults and leaders. The members of Rotaract clubs decide themselves about their projects and activities. A Rotary club always sponsors and supports their activities.

The activities of Interact clubs are meant for youth, ages 12-18. Also Interact clubs have Rotary clubs as sponsors. In Interact activities the youth get to influence things that are important to them. This happens via annually planned and realized projects. A Rotary club supports the youth in these projects. In Hämeenlinna doesn’t exist Interact club.

Being a member of both Interact and Rotaract, the youth are able to network locally, nationally and internationally. In Finland, there are Rotaract clubs especially in big localities, but not many Interact clubs.


Our Rotary club is the sponsor club of Hämeenlinna Rotaract club.

The Rotaract Club Hämeenlinna was founded in 2016 by initiative raised up in our club. Thus we are yhe sponsor club of Hämeenlinna Rotaract Club. The club has meetings twice a month. Rotaractors participate various charity projects weather themselves or together with Rotarians. They also present Rotary youth exchange to secondary school students in Hämeenlinna and arrange during the year various events to the foreign exchange students in Hämeenlinna.


Meeting information

Cafe Laurell
Sibeliuksenkatu 7
13100 Hämeenlinna

Wednesdays at 08.00-09.00
Check the event calendar for more details.

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