Rotary Districts 2024-2025
Finland has five Rotary Districts, each run by a District Governor supported by District Council, committees and Assistant Governors for the areas within the District. Clubs make suggestions and the District Nomination Committee chooses the most suitable candidate to be the next Governor. The Governor is nominated at the Rotary International World Congress.
The District arranges a number of events for the clubs during the year, among which the most important one for the common Rotarian is the Club Presidents’ and Officials´ Training Seminar (PETS). District Meeting is usually arranged in autumn and the festive District Conference in spring.
The District Governor visits all clubs in the District during his term of office.

DG Matias Granvik
District 1385
Mobile +358 40 709 5588
E-mail: mattismr(ät)

DG Aune Past
District 1420
Tartu Hansa
Mobile +372 50 666 88
E-mail: aunepast(ät)

DG Anssi Kuoppala
District 1390
Mobile +358 40 519 1059
E-mail: anssi.kuoppala(ät)

DG Paavo Rönkkö
District 1430
Mobile +358 40 507 6974
E-mail: ptronkko(ät)

DG Ilkka Häkli
District 1410
Mobile +358 40 575 8546
E-mail: ilkka.hakli(ät)
The paths to the districts new or archive site can be found also here:
District 1385 (Ostrobothnia + North Finland)
Distrikt 1390 (Middle-Finland)
District 1410 (West-Finland)
District 1420 (South-Finland + Estonia)
District 1430 (East-Finland)