Training material for Blue-green algae monitoring
In the summer of 2024, we will again continue the good joint project of Finnish rotary districts – the protection of nearby waters and the Baltic Sea – with our partner Finnish Environmental Center Syke. The contribution of Rotarians in observing the blue-green algae situation is a valued and welcome addition to Syke’s observation network. It is a valuable civic activity for the benefit of research and the environment (so-called citizen science).

Training themes:
- Basic information on the state of the Baltic Sea and basic information on the state of the lakes.
- How do you identify blue-green algae.
- How do you estimate the amount of algae.
- How do you set up your own observation site?
- How do you report the weekly blue-green algae situation to Syke’s system.
In May, two online training events were organized.
- Tuesday 7 May 2024 from 15:00 to 17:30 (for observations made in the sea area).
- Tuesday 14 May 2024 from 15:00 to 17:30 (for observations made in the lake area)
The recordings of the webinars can be viewed in the attached videos or on the District 1420 Youtube channel
Video content:
0:00 Johdantopuheenvuoro, Hanne Kauranne, Finlandia Hall Rotaryklubi
1:36 Mitä kuuluu, Itämeri; Seppo Knuuttila, Suomen Ympäristökeskus
40:22 Sinileväkukintojen tunnistaminen ja runsauden arviointi; Sirpa Lehtinen, Suomen ympäristökeskus
1:12:17 Näin osallistut sinileväseurantaan; Matti Lindholm, Suomen ympäristökeskus
Video content:
0:00 Katsaus Suomen järvien tilaan, Marko Järvinen, Suomen Ympäristökeskus
50:10 Sinilevät, Kristiina Vuorio, Suomen ympäristökeskus
1:32:04 Näin osallistut sinileväseurantaan, Matti Lindholm, Suomen ympäristökeskus
Link to the presentation
Link to the presentation
Link to the presentation
Other online material
Summary of last summer 2023
Observations publication platform Järvi-meriwiki
A web site, where observations are recorded and sent