The Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) will be held next summer in Finland, along the shores of the Baltic Sea in Tvärminne. The event will bring together young people aged 18–30 from each Baltic Sea country to discuss the challenges of the Baltic Sea and climate change, as well as the importance of responsible leadership in environmental issues. Ten young individuals from the Rotary districts of Finland and Estonia will be selected to participate. Could your club find a young Baltic Sea Ambassador to participate?

The Baltic Sea RYLA is organized by the Rotary Baltic Sea Regional Action Network (BASRAN) in August 4-9. The seminar aims to offer participants intensive leadership training, increase awareness of the challenges and potential solutions for the Baltic Sea, and train new Baltic Sea Ambassadors.

The seminar, to be held at the Tvärminne Zoological Station, a research station of the University of Helsinki, offers a unique opportunity for 2–3 young people from each Baltic Sea country and 10 young people from the five Rotary districts of Finland and Estonia to participate. The participation fee is 400 €, covering all arrangements in Tvärminne except for travel expenses.

“We hope that clubs will now actively communicate this fantastic opportunity to all young people within their sphere of influence and consider becoming sponsors. The previous two Baltic Sea RYLAs in Germany and Sweden have been incredible, international experiences for the youth,” says Hannele Kauranne from the organizing committee.

The seminar provides participants with important information about the state of the Baltic Sea and climate change and the opportunity to develop leadership skills, expand their networks, and experience unforgettable moments in Finland’s coastal area. The program includes lectures, group work, excursions, and fun activities, such as sailing on Tvärminne’s research vessel Augusta and a trip to the Uddskatan nature reserve.

Application instructions and further details can be found on the BASRAN website. The application deadline is April 15, 2024, and sponsoring clubs must complete payments by June 30, 2024.

RYLA Baltic Sea 2024 offers young leaders not only knowledge and skills but also lifelong friendships and memories that inspire action for the Baltic Sea and climate.