RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) Baltic Sea kicked off in a joyful maritime atmosphere on August 4, 2024, in Tvärminne, Hanko. Hosted by the BASRAN network, the week-long program is themed “Climate Change and the Baltic Sea” and has brought together 27 enthusiastic young leaders from Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland. The youth are guided by six team leaders from Germany, Estonia, and Finland. Rotarians from our district, especially from the Ekenäs-Tammisaari, Hangö-Hanko, Karis-Karjaa, and Helsinki Finlandia Hall clubs, have worked diligently for months to organize the camp.

Team A is led by Tarja Tikkanen from the Finlandia Hall Rotary Club and Mohamed Abdelmomen from the Tallinn International Rotary Club.

Participants arrived in Tvärminne on Sunday and were welcomed with an orientation session featuring Tarja Tikkanen from the Finlandia Hall Rotary Club and Ilse Klockars from the Tvärminne Zoological Station.

The research vessel Augusta transported the young marine researchers.

During the camp, participants will receive a wealth of knowledge from leading experts in various fields. Deputy secretary Jannica Haldin will present HELCOM’s latest information on the state of the Baltic Sea, and Anna Villnäs from CoastClim will discuss the potential of coastal ecosystems in mitigating climate change. Tom Suvanto will offer positive solutions for both business and life from his own company, while Olli Aksela will present his doctoral research on the role and use of AI in developing teaching and learning methods. Niko Korte will share SSAB’s journey towards fossil-free steel, and Project manager Sara Vaskio will discuss how a local project managed to reduce nutrient load from the Raasepori River basin into the Gulf of Finland.

Mohamed Abdelmomen from the Tallinn International Rotary Club will share his inspiring leadership story, and Börje Thorström, an entrepreneur and leadership consultant from the Ekenäs Rotary Club, will provide insights on teamwork. These sessions complement a comprehensive program that offers a deep understanding of both leadership and environmental sustainability.

On Wednesday, the teams will engage in the exciting, interactive, and international Climate FRESK game. The event culminates on August 8 in Hanko, where participants will enjoy a farewell party and music by local singer Ellinoor Nordman.

As RYLA concludes on August 9, participants will return home with enhanced leadership skills and a deeper understanding of the environmental challenges facing the Baltic Sea. The event aims not only to empower young leaders but also to inspire sustainable actions for the future. Learn more about Baltic Sea RYLA and meet its sponsors!