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Päiväys ja aika
16:30 - 18:00

Hotelli Santa Claus

At our weekly meeting, brother Esko Lotvonen gave an interesting presentation about the activities of the Rovaniemi Local Heritage Museum. In particular, the scope of activities, fundraising and project activities caused a good discussion in the club.

The meeting also felt like a celebration when we invited Victoria Mlakar to become a member of our Rotary Club. President Manu Pajuluoma went through the induction ceremony and handed sister Victoria a “four question test” board, a rotary pin and lit a candle in honor of the new Rotarian.

Brother Juhani Juuruspolvi received his RWM medal at this meeting. We also had Matias Kassala as a guest, who promised to join us again.

Presenter brother Esko Lotvonen and president Manu Pajuluoma 5 September 2023.

Presenter brother Esko Lotvonen and president Manu Pajuluoma 5 September 2023.


Victoria Mlakar will become a member of our club on September 5, 2023.

Victoria Mlakar will become a member of our club on September 5, 2023.


Sister Victoria, a four-question test and a lit candle in honor of the new member.

Sister Victoria, a four-question test and a lit candle in honor of the new member.

Handing out the RWM2023 medal to brother Juhani Juuruspolvi on August 5, 2023.

Handing out the RWM2023 medal to brother Juhani Juuruspolvi on September 5, 2023.


Guest Matias and Rovaniemi rotary club members in the middle on September 5, 2023.

Guest Matias and Rovaniemi rotary club members in the middle on September 5, 2023.

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