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Päiväys ja aika
16:30 - 18:00

Hotelli Santa Claus

The Rotary Club of Rovaniemi gathered for its 43rd weekly meeting today at Hotel Santa Claus.
In next year’s rotation, the person who is going to Australia as an exchange student with his family had come as our guest. It was nice to hear the thoughts and hopes of someone leaving for exchange in a month’s time for the upcoming exchange period. It was also nice to meet the exchange student’s parents at the club meeting.
Everyone seemed to be excited and a little nervous as the departure for the exchange became concrete already in the very near future. It is nice to accompany a young person with a good and lively mind on a trip to another continent for a year.
This week’s presentation was given by brother Jan Andersin. The subject of his presentation was “First a philosophical reflection on observing life (theory) and ending with going electronic (concrete)”
Brother Jan told about his own and adopted life philosophy of observing life and reflected on choices and the challenge of making them from different points of view. Proactive or reactive? A grandiose strategist or a meticulous maker? Through the choices and their justifications, brother Jan led us to the statement and instruction “try to be kind”
The first part was thought-provoking and there was also a large amount of practical tips. In the second part of the presentation, brother Jan talked about the price changes in the electricity market and the statistics he kept, where the price fluctuations of electricity were visible going back more than a decade, with an hourly accuracy.
As a careful user of electricity, brother Jan has installed hourly remote-controlled electrical systems for both heating the building and charging the car. With the system, it is possible to control the Electricity Usage Hours in advance to the previous hours and thus save on the electricity bill.
Brother Jan’s presentation was again built using MS Excel and it was polished to the end and pedagogically great. Bringing interactivity to spreadsheets shows that brother Jan is the noble of Excel users in other ways than processing numerical data.
After the presentation, we discussed a lot about our own ways of observing life and its phenomena.
Brother Jan giving a presentation

Brother Jan giving a presentation

A future exchange student with her family

A future exchange student with her family

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