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Päiväys ja aika
16:30 - 18:00

Hotelli Santa Claus

The Rotary Club of Rovaniemi gathered for its 42nd weekly meeting today at Hotel Santa Claus. At this week’s meeting, a discussion club conference was held, as well as presentations of the service project and foundation committees by their chairmen.
President Manu Pajuluoma opened the meeting and brother Kenneth Karlsson presented the philosophy of service project activity as well as our club’s existing projects and ideas for new projects. Brother Tapani Takalo reviewed the activities of the Rotary Foundation and its priorities. Tapani also presented completed global projects that the foundation has financed and in which Finland has participated.
Brother Kenneth presenting our service projects

Brother Kenneth presenting our service projects

Brother Tapani presenting the activities of the Rotary Foundation

Brother Tapani presenting the activities of the Rotary Foundation

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