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Päiväys ja aika
16:30 - 18:00

Hotelli Santa Claus

The Rotary Club of Rovaniemi and the Rotary Club of Santa Claus gathered today for a joint weekly meeting at Hotel Santa Claus.
This week’s presentation was held by brother Jari Jokela from Rovaniemi Rotary Club. He works as the manager of the Lapland welfare area. The topic of his presentation was “What’s up with Lapland’s welfare area?”
Brother Jari went through the current news of the welfare area and explained how operations are developed and also the comparison of ratios with other welfare areas. Distances and geographical extent are important when organizing welfare services. “Inside” the welfare area of Lapland can fit several welfare areas from the southern parts of Finland.
Regarding the figures of the economy, the welfare area has to do a lot of reforming and strengthening in order to achieve a balance.
A large number of sisters and brothers from both Rotary clubs participated in the joint meeting, and at the beginning more chairs were carried into the meeting room. After the interesting presentation, there was a lively discussion.
Joint meeting of Rovaniemi clubs

Joint meeting of Rovaniemi clubs

Brother Jari Jokela giving a presentation

Brother Jari Jokela giving a presentation

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