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Päiväys ja aika
16:30 - 18:00

Hotelli Santa Claus

The Rotary Club of Rovaniemi gathered for its 39th weekly meeting today at Hotel Santa Claus. This week’s meeting was the club’s spring meeting.
President Manu Pajuluoma opened the meeting and the meeting started smoothly, accompanied by good preparation. The Rotary season has reached the point where personnel selections for the new, starting operating season are relevant again. The next term’s president (president elect) brother Toni Kurvinen presented the action plan for the next term with the future secretary, brother Matias Kassala. New operating models and already established ones are expected to promote charity. The Rotary Park is developed and maintained at Northern Lights Wicket. Likewise, the bookshelf project at Sampokeskus is developing. The townspeople and numerous other visitors have adopted these service projects as their own. Much more will happen again during the next operating year, and the cooperation of Lapland’s Rotary Clubs will be seen even more. The meeting also reviewed the finances for the coming season and it was presented to the meeting by our treasurer’s brother Ahti Ylimäinen. During the meeting, there was a lively discussion about new operational ideas and they were recorded as information for the future board.
Brother Toni Kurvinen presenting the action plan for the 2024-2025 season

Brother Toni Kurvinen presenting the action plan for the 2024-2025 season

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