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Päiväys ja aika
16:30 - 18:00

Hotelli Santa Claus

Rovaniemi Rotary club gathered for its 37th weekly meeting today at Hotel Santa Claus. This week’s presentation was held by brother Antti Eteläaho.
In his Ego presentation, he talked about his life path and hobbies. Ego presentations are presentations by Rotarians, which tell about the different stages of a professional career and also look at the picture of a member’s circle of life through his or her hobbies.
Brother Antti has been involved in many different fields and currently works for the Lapland Chamber of Commerce as an expert in the themes of development, growth and internationality.
Brother Antti told about his many hobbies, including outdoor activities in the woods and floorball in Santa’s United’s “challenger group” and the world of console games is no stranger either.
Brother Antti is also very active in many associations. Brother Antti is also familiar with the work of a journalist, and he has also edited radio Säteily’s program with brother Matias.
After a nice and colorful presentation, there was a discussion, e.g. about the presented Bingo Finnish championships.
Antti Eteläaho´s ego presentation

Antti Eteläaho´s ego presentation

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