Are you interested in becoming an exchange student next year? Application period in progress!
Through the Rotary Club of Rovaniemi, there is an opportunity to become an exchange student. Our club sends a young person to the world every two years and receives an exchange student from around the world to Rovaniemi.
Rotary’s youth exchange is a safe and often quite affordable way to go abroad as an exchange student. Rotary’s youth exchange is certified and supervised. The young person is bound by the Rotarians’ instructions and rules, it is part of safety. The young person and his family are trained in the requirements of the exchange year before the young person leaves. The receiving family accepts the young person as a member of their family.
We offer the opportunity to enter an annual exchange that lasts the whole semester 2024-2025 or a summer exchange (family-to-family) that lasts about a month in 2024. Read more about Rotary’s youth exchange ( and if you are interested, send us a free form application. We will process the received applications and interview those seeking to exchange in September.
More information on the subject can be obtained from the Rovaniemi Rotary Club’s youth exchange agent. Now is the time to act!
Our club’s youth exchange contact person:
Mr. Jari Nykänen
phone: +358 40 5222818

Picture: Our exchange student Maija in the youth exchange in Colombia 2022-2023.
The basis of Rotary activities are local Rotary clubs, which bring together influencers to do good in their own community. As a Rotarian, you can implement meaningful charity projects near and far. You can find more information about us and our contact information on our website and Facebook: