I’ve been in Finland for 4 months and 15 days and still have 6 or so months left of my exchange.

Throughout my exchange I have experienced a frenzy of beauty, wonderful, fulfilling moments that I will never forget, such as seeing the northern lights for the first time, and riding reindeer, and eating reindeer, and experiencing the coldest temperatures in the world it seems like. I’ve done things and seen things I would have never in Virginia, even the entire USA.

There have been times where I have had moments where I feel like i’m at top of the world having the best time ever. Yet like sad moments it’s extremely challenging at times, they didn’t say it wouldn’t be easy and they said that there would be challenging moments but I didn’t understand what they meant by ”challenging” moments. I don’t think that anyone can really prepare you for those moments which has been such a challenge. Just a few days ago I was having a blast and the whole day was so much fun until I got home and all of the sudden I went into my room and cried for 30 minutes.

Being on this exchange is stressful not only in me being away from home for so long but the language is stressful and they expect to master it in 3 months and they expect so much from us that I just can’t deliver. I wish I could explain to someone here that I just want to drive, and talk to my dad, and work on cars, and fix mechanical things, those are what calmed me down in the states and here I can’t do any of that.

But enough obsessing over the sadness. During my exchange I have had the best moments and met amazing people and its crazy to me that I get to spend Christmas in Finland and experience that, and my birthday is coming up on the 17th of January and I’m super excited for that as I’ll be having a party with friends from Finland!

Overall my exchange has been the best thing to ever happen to me and I’m ready for more and know that I will not want to leave.

Linkki Michaelin LinkedIn -sivulle.

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