District committees and their tasks


On this page you can find information about the committees of district 1420 and their duties. The contact information of committee chairs and members can be found on the district’s organization page.


Baltic Sea Forum

The Baltic Sea Forum promotes project cooperation between district clubs and cooperation between districts in the protection of waters near the Baltic Sea. The forum inspires and activates the district’s clubs to implement practical actions aimed at improving the state of the Gulf of Finland and nearby waters. The forum increases awareness and responsibility for the state and protection of nearby waters and the Gulf of Finland in the district.

Read more about the district’s environmental and Baltic Sea activities.


Membership Committee

The Membership Committee identifies, promotes and implements membership strategies that will help grow the membership of clubs in the district. The committee prepares and implements a plan for the establishment of new Rotary clubs. The membership committee, together with the deputy governors, supports clubs in difficulty to revive themselves or to carry out a controlled merger with another club or to cease their activities.

In the “Join in” section of the website, you can find a list of clubs in the district and instructions on how to become a member.


District International Service Committee

The task of the District International Service Committee is to increase the effectiveness of Rotary activities by seeking international contacts and by promoting international cooperation and networking among Rotarians.

The committee supports, guides and advises clubs in international projects and promotes international cooperation and networking. The most central cooperation network is ESRAG, the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group. The committee also cooperates with the international service committees of other districts in our country. The committee handles Rotary Friendship Exchange (RFE) and Club Friendship Exchange (ICC). The committee is chaired by the District 1420 DISC, District International Service Chair.

Read the report on the activities of the International Service Committee 2023-2024.


Education Committee

The Education committee supports the governor and governor elect in training district and club officers. The committee is chaired by the District Trainer.

On these pages, you can find more information about the training offered by the district and information about events and the district’s calendar of events.


Youth Exchange Committee

The youth exchange committee manages the district’s youth exchange activities. With the help of the multi-district youth exchange organization of the Rotary Service of Finland and Estonia, the committee promotes youth exchange in the district area and is responsible for the related training.

The task of the committee is to monitor that the youth exchange taking place in the district meets the requirements of RI’s Youth Exchange Certificate (RCP). In addition, the committee confirms the clubs’ selections as exchange students to be sent from the district and helps with the processing of applications, as well as decides on the distribution of possible scholarships for the district’s outgoing exchange students.

The Youth Exchange Committee monitors that the behaviour, schooling, and travel of the exchange students who have entered the district, as well as their treatment in host families and clubs, comply with the rules and regulations of Rotary’s youth exchange.

The task of the committee is to take care of the participation of exchange students in the district in joint events according to the annual program. The task of the committee is also to organize the youth camps in the district.

Read more about Rotary’s youth exchange.


Rotary Foundation Committee

The Rotary Foundation Committee is responsible at the district level for training and making things known about the Rotary Foundation in the district and clubs, and maintains contact with the chairpersons of the clubs’ foundation committees and foundation committees. In training and communication, the importance of donations is emphasized and the possibilities of utilizing the grants offered by the Rotary Foundation in the clubs’ humanitarian projects are reviewed in detail.

Read more about the Rotary Foundation.


Finance Committee

The task of the finance committee is to assist the future governor in making his budget, to ensure that the district’s finances are managed in accordance with the instructions and good accounting practices, to prepare the financial statements within the given schedules, to communicate with the auditors, to give reports and statements on financial matters to the district council.

The district’s financial statements and budgets are approved at the district’s official meetings. The materials can be found in the district’s Dropbox folders.


Information Technology Committee

The task of the information technology committee is to support the district and clubs in questions that require IT skills, related to the use of MyRotary and other information services, websites or the use of IT services that support meetings and communication.


Communications Committee

The communication committee makes Rotary activities known and promotes recognition and appreciation of Rotary’s service projects in the community. The committee is responsible for the district’s internal and external communication and its development. The committee distributes and helps distribute information about Rotary to the public and decision-makers, takes care of informing the district’s projects and important events, assists clubs in information activities, and conveys RI’s PR material to clubs, the media and the surrounding community.

In addition to current news and the governor’s news on this website, also check out the district 1420 Facebook group and Instagram.