Baltic Sea Day is approaching. It will be celebrated on August 29, 2024 around the Baltic Sea, but especially in our area. Our district’s Baltic Sea Forum, or the Baltic Sea Committee, is participating for the fourth time together with the Finnish Environmental Center and r/v Aranda and numerous other actors at the Pakkahuoneenlaituri in Helsinki, telling about Rotarians’ Baltic Sea and environmental work.

The Baltic Sea Day, launched and coordinated by the John Nurminen Foundation, is celebrated every year on the last Thursday in August with various rallies and events. The goal of the theme day is to highlight important marine themes, and encourage people to take concrete action for the Baltic Sea. The Day celebrates the versatility and immeasurable value of the Sea. Moreover, the celebration seeks to disseminate information on marine nature, culture, and history.


Tents of various operators at Pakkahuoneenlaituri, Eteläranta 7

The events are public events open to everyone. You can get to know, for example, a marine research vessel or an exhibition about the Baltic Sea. The tents of the different operators can be seen on the attached map.

Five themes in the Rotarians’ tent at Pakkahuoneenlaituri

Photo: Marcopiunti

In the Rotary tent, there are five themes on display in which we Rotarians are involved.

  1.     Rowing for Herring and Walking for Herring on 6 October 2024
  2.     Blue-green algae monitoring – citizen science (Syke cooperation)
  3.     Rantaroskaseuranta – citizen science (Syke collaboration): Also related to the topic of littering: Guessing competition “How long does it take for your litter to break down in sea conditions?” A cigarette butt – the world’s most common litter on beaches
  4.     Water backpack and its demo – environmental education for children and young people (Syke cooperation)
  5.     Rotarians’ international environmental activities:
  • BASRAN – Baltic Sea Regional Action Network of Rotarians – neighbourhood activity
  • ESRAG – Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Network – global action
  • Environmental and Baltic Sea weekend for exchange students


Join the event either as a club or as an individual Rotarian

District Rotarians and clubs can participate in the Baltic Sea event in different ways:

TIP 1 FOR CLUBS: Itämerifest at Pakkahuoneenlaituri and Aranda on August 29. from 12-7pm is a great opportunity to hold a different club meeting and/or organize a nice trip to Helsinki for the club’s exchange student!

TIP 2 FOR CLUBS: The Rotary tent also needs help: In the morning from 9 to 12 setting up the tent and building the booth, from 12 to 7 p.m. presenting Rotary’s Baltic work at the booth and from 7 to 8 p.m. dismantling the tent. Sign up for Hannele Kauranne.

On behalf of the Baltic Sea Forum of the district

Hannele Kauranne
tel. 0400 618 439

Read more about the event: