People of Action

People of Action: The Grannies!


These ladies rock!   

RC Tammer Nova’s house band was born by chance. Or was it? At the beginning of the Rotary year, the club’s Master of Fun, Sergeant-of-Arms, Tarja once again delighted club members with her artistic skills. The ambience this talented lady creates is always beyond words.  

There is a lot of musical talent in our club: Riitta’s pianist skills are needed accompanying us singing Christmas Songs at the Old Church of Tampere, Tuija and Anne sing and play in our various happenings, Tarja creates wonderful musical moments e.g. with her piano, guitar or accordion – and stories, and so on. 

But let’s go back to the club’s own house band. An inspiring program was needed at the National Rotary Seminary in Tampere. The program was already good, but something was still missing. No wonder Tarja came to someone’s mind. Tarja, naturally, was immediately ready to take the chance. She gathered additional reinforcement from the siblings Anne and Tuija, and the trio was born. The legend tells that these three ladies had at least as much fun practicing their programme than performing at that national Rotary event.  No need to tell that the performance was a success!

This was just a beginning. The Grannies immediately received a proposal from their to-be-manager. They immediately got some marks in their calendar. They were even invited to join one Finnish Rotary team in the Rotary Convention in Hamburg.

This is a short story of spirit, heart, skill, talent and, above all, the willingness and ability to bring joy to people.      

How many clubs have their own house band? We in Tammer Nova have a super band!

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are very pleased to introduce: The Grannies! These ladies rock!

Meeting information

Buffet & Café Linkosuo / conference room
Hämeenkatu 28, 9. floor
33200 Tampere

Tiistaisin klo 17.15-18.30

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