

Cemetery of German Soldiers

The cemetary situates by the lake Norvajärvi , 18 km from Rovaniemi to north. There are signs from highway 4. It takes about 0,5 km along sand path through the forest from a car park to the cemetery. The cemetery have been taken in use 31 st October in 1963. In the Mausoleum there are buried over 2500 Germans who died in the 2nd World War.

The area has been marked out with an about one meter high stone hedge. At the hall of the Mausoleum there is a sculpture called “Äiti ja poika” (Mother and a son) designed by Ursula Querner. At the main space there are 8 rows of limestone boards, in which have been engraved the names, military ranks, and dates for birth and death of the soldiers who lie underneath.At the cemetery there is also a big cross made of steel on which it’s been written: “Kunnioituksemme kaikille niille sotilashaudoille, jotka ovat rakkautemme tavoittamattomissa ja siunaamme ne Jumalan rauhaan” (We honor all the soldier graves which are beyond our love and we bless them in peace of God.).

More information:

Eero Pajula
mob: +358-40-5371198

The cemetery is open for the public from 1 st April to 30 th September. In other times exceptions can be agreed on.

Norvajärvi/Volksbund Deutche Kriegsgräberfürsorge


Video 2

Virtual visit of the Old Salla Cemetery of German Soldiers:




Rotary Forest Park

The three Rotary Clubs of Rovaniemi made the Rotary Forest Park in 2005 just north of the Arktikum. By selling these trees and by taking care of the park we have collected funds for the Rotary Foundation and local projects.

Gardening group
Our club has supported the gardening group of the local youth psychiatry ward by donating supplies for the gardening.

Meeting information

Hotel Santa Claus
Restaurant Gaissa
Korkalonkatu 29

Thursdays at 11.30 a.m - 12.45 p.m.

Upcoming Events

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