BASRAN – Baltic Sea Regional Action network
BASRAN connects Rotarians internationally
BASRAN – Baltic Sea Regional Action Network (of Rotarians) was established by the Finnish districts 1420 and 1410 after the World Conference in Hamburg in the autumn of 2019. At the conference, there was a Finnish booth called Save the Baltic Sea, which attracted people. It became clear that Rotarians in all Baltic Sea countries are concerned about the Baltic Sea and want it to be cleaned.
The Baltic Sea is important to each country. In the extensive drainage basin of the Baltic Sea, there are about 10 countries, about 85 million people, about 2000 Rotary clubs, and 70,000 Rotarians. This means a tremendous potential, and hundreds of Rotarians from all around the Baltic Sea have already registered for the BASRAN network.
BASRAN does not implement projects but supports Rotarians to start and participate in service projects, increases knowledge about the Baltic Sea, the pollution affecting it, and the opportunities for work done for its benefit. BASRAN webinars and meetings are organized annually, and in addition, the BASRAN network is organized into different types of Action committees:
- The Network and Administration (secretary work, seminars / webinars etc.)
- BASRAN Public Image, Promotion, PR , Communications
- Awareness raising and environmental education
- Eutrophication follow up and reducing excessive runoff
- Beach cleaning and microplastics
- Harmful substances in the deep
- Water treatment plants and plans
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The BASRAN network