On September 25, the Train the Trainers training will take place in Tallinn on the initiative of the D1420 training team.

What does it mean? Martin Heinrichs, head of the District Training Team, explains:“DTT (District Training Team) organizes training for future Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI), Syventävä Rotaryvalmennus in finnish, trainers in Tallinn. Training is a tool to help build a strong Rotary club through knowledge and enjoy the joy of acting together with other Rotarians.” The RLI is designed to increase the knowledge of Rotary leaders at the various levels of the Rotary movement as well as leadership and communication. This knowledge benefits every leader in both work and volunteering. This training program is currently offered to Rotarians in 182 countries. The first training in Tallinn is partly in English, but the first graduates of the program can start training in Estonian in the future.

District Training Team member Aune Past: “I conducted a survey on the necessity of training in Estonia and no one was among the respondents who would have said that training is not necessary. Rotarians want to take part in training on Rotary topics as well as management and communication. In my opinion, the central point of today’s activity (Together, we see world, where people unite and take action to create lasting change across the globe in our communities, and in ourselves) is storytelling. This includes training, communication and bringing new members to Rotary. This is how I see it, together all three areas as a single storytelling. We are people of action”

Aune Past
Tartu Hansa RC
AG South Estonia
District Training Team Member
District Communication Team Member
Suomen Rotarypalvelu Communications Team Member